PE (Physical Education)

‘Intelligence and Skill can only function at their peak of their capacity, when the body is healthy and strong’

-John F Kennedy.

PE subject lead: Mr D. Clay


Physical Education is a significant part of school life and ultimately, a fundamental component in a children’s physical and mental well-being. It is therefore our intent at St Augustine Webster, to provide a high-quality, inclusive and broad PE curriculum in which ALL children will benefit and succeed, from Early Years to Year 6. We aim to achieve this through enhancing existing skills, acquiring new skills and offering new sports, teams and clubs. At St Augustine Webster, we believe that participation in sporting activities, in PE lessons and through sporting clubs, is a vital ingredient to develop a school community that pupils are proud to belong too. We are passionate about the need to teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others, not just as participants, but also team members and spectators. It is important that our children understand the importance of fairness and respect to support our overall school virtues. We aim to ensure that children understand the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle and to equip them with the knowledge to do so. It is essential that children must understand how to be responsible and take care of themselves, both physically and mentally, in order to be successful adults. Overall, we aim to ensure that children’s experiences of PE are positive and motivating and that we provide a safe and supportive environment for children’s sporting talents to flourish.


At St Augustine Webster, we have adapted Get Set 4 PE scheme, for our PE Curriculum. The curriculum is broad and balanced and ensure the requirements of the National Curriculum are met. All pupils receive this curriculum by participating in at least 2 hours of high-quality PE, utilising the outside space and school hall available to us. The PE curriculum is sequenced precisely to ensure progression of knowledge and skills throughout a child’s primary education, thus enabling the children to build upon prior experiences and apply these fluently and confidently. With our curriculum Motor Competence (accurate movements, movement patterns, movement techniques and sequences) Rules, Strategies and Tactics (conventions, regulations, strategies that are specific to participation in an activity/sport) and Healthy Participation (safe practice, how to participate, short- and long-term impacts of participation) are all developed.  The development of the ‘whole child’ has been considered and lessons contribute to the Social, Emotional and Thinking development of the child.

The curriculum has been developed to allow skills to be regularly revisited and developed.

Units in EYFS, KS1 and Year 3 (Introduction to Pe, Fundamentals, Ball skills etc.) have been selected to ensure that children have a good grounding in the basic skills and understanding to take part in the full range of activities available in our PE curriculum.

Children participate in a range of Invasion, Striking and Fielding, Target and Net and Wall Games, encouraging team work and resilience. It also promotes imagination and creativity through numerous Gymnastic and Dance units promote imagination and creativity. Athletics and Fitness units is also developed through this curriculum, preparing the children for Sports Events and Sports Day. Skills in Outdoor and Adventurous Activities are developed throughout this scheme and are put into practice during a residential trip to PGL at the end of KS2.

Through the Get Ahead Sports Partnership, the children participate in numerous sporting challenges and activity days. These include; Its Catching, Skipping, Colour Runs and OAA activity days. These activities support the skills learnt through the curriculum and put them into practice.

Children have the opportunity to further the skills learnt through the curriculum in a range of after-school and lunch time sports clubs, with internal and external members of staff. 780 Coaching offer a range of high-quality after-school clubs for Key Stage 1 and 2 pupils.

In the Pentecost Term of Year 6, children participate in swimming lessons at a local swimming club, allowing them to develop confidence and a range of strokes in the water.


Through our PE scheme, we help motivate children to participate in a wide range of sports through well-planned, engaging and fun lessons. Children are equipped with a range of skills to engage in any sporting activity, enabling them to instinctively utilize skills and knowledge acquired during PE lessons.

The skills and confidence gained in PE lessons result in a high number of children who are keen to represent the school in inter-school sporting activities. The uptake of after school sporting clubs is high.

Children to take responsibility for their own health and fitness, thus developing a love of sports, leading to a happier and healthier lifestyle in the future.

Pupil voice highlights that, Year 6 children feel they have the skills, qualities and knowledge to successfully move on to secondary school.

Our School Sports Funding has enabled us to continue and extend our PE provision through additional resources and equipment, the running of a wide variety of sports club during and after school and has enabled our pupils to enter into more sports competitions.

If you were to walk into Physical Education Lessons at Saint Augustine Webster’s, you would see:

  • Engaged Pupils
  • Skills and Knowledge being developed through.
  • Pupils who are active and moving throughout the entirety of the lesson.
  • Teachers demonstrate skills and model a good technique.
  • Teachers providing constant feedback to children regarding skills and techniques.
  • Teamwork and sportsmanship.
  • Opportunities to develop the ‘Whole’ child through Social, Emotional and Thinking opportunities.